
What does sustainability even mean and why is it important?

Is sustainability only a marketing trick or an important approach to survival? Currently, sustainability is extremely important, but what does it actually mean?

Today, there are more than 1.65 billion Google results for the word “sustainability”. People are hugely obsessed with this life approach that the word “sustainability” has quickly raised its popularity and is often misused: brands like to promote their sustainable methods, and on the other hand, climate activists urge people to practice sustainable ways of life. But let’s take a look at what “sustainability” really means and what is the understanding of this word in a way that increases the well-being of people, communities and the planet?

Even though the use of the word has become more often lately, its origins go back to 1983, when in the Brundtland Report the sustainable approach has been defined as ‘development that meets the needs of the present without compromising the ability of future generations to meet their own needs’. Nowadays, the definition of sustainable lifestyle still emphasises the need to create a habitable planet for future generations.

In the context of the environment, sustainability includes ensuring that human consumption does not waste natural resources, and that ecological systems are balanced and that life on earth stays diverse.

What does sustainability mean in business?

Nowadays, sustainability is often being integrated into marketing campaigns and business strategies. For companies, a sustainable approach means operating with no negative impact on the environment, community or society. Sustainable business strategies positively impact one or more of these groups.

In practice, sustainable business strategies can have various forms and every organisation has its own unique sustainable strategy. For example, companies can switch to using sustainable packaging materials, optimise their supply processes to lower emissions or they can sponsor programs to benefit the local community.

Why is sustainability important?

Sustainability is important because it mantains the life quality, the diversity of life on Earth and the resource-rich ecosystems´ health. Sustainable environmental methods make the water and air quality better, lower the amount of landfills and expand renewable energy in the long term. These adjustments ensure cleaner and healthier living conditions for people.

Sustainability is also important because it guarantees a viable planet for future generations. Since natural resources are limited, they must be used cautiously in the short period of time. If people are not cautious when using natural resources, we will run out of fossil fuels, run out of natural resources and damage the atmosphere.

What are the current trends in sustainability?

  • ESG investing: a type of investment that favours environmental, social and governance criteria in addition to revenue.
  • Being “climate positive” means going beyond Carbon Neutral and removing carbon dioxide from the atmosphere.
  • Affordable energy from renewable sources: decreasing costs of renewable energy linked to the push for renewables.
  • Clean transport: 18 of the world’s 20 biggest carmakers have committed to switch to electric vehicles.
  • Climate-friendly products: Consumers who are more environmentally aware will create demand for products that are in line with their sustainability objectives.
  • Business communication: governments will require businesses to inform the public about their climate risks.
  • Decarbonisation of the food system: movement towards alternative proteins, alternative dairy products and other alternatives to the current industrial food system.

All these trends are the important move that will help to create a world meeting the present needs with no need to compromise the ability of future generations to meet their own needs.

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