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Oysters – Natural purification technology 

Did you know that oysters have the ability to purify the sea and river water and fight pollution ? Yes yes, as you are reading 

Seawater pollution is a global  environmental issue affecting marine biodiversity, the coastal economy and human health. It can be caused by multiple factors, such as toxic discharges, overfishing or intensive agriculture. The solution to this problem is not easy and requires a multifaceted approach involving different sectors and government levels 

However, a promising solution to combat the seawater pollution is the use of oysters as a natural purification. These mollusks feed on microorganisms and suspended particles. In doing so they clean the water around them in a short time, which reduces the presence of sediments and pathogens.   

Discover they filtration process, environmental benefits and economic benefits that they offer in today’s article 

Oysters are aquatic animals that use their gills to feed on nutrients and microorganisms. Collaterally they also absorb waste that is retained in their digestive system and then excreted as part of the normal metabolic process. They perform this filtering process very efficiently, cleaning up to 190 liters of water per day, greatly and rapidly improving the quality of our rivers and oceans.  

Benefits of natural purification 

Th natural purification with oysters offers a number of environmental and economic benefits 

  • They contribute to the improvement of aquatic biodiversity. The water, being cleaner, becomes a more conducive environment for life.
  • They prevent eutrophication, a phenomenon in which nutrient levels in the water are so high that they promote excessive algae and plant growth. This can cause problems for marine life and make the water less attractive to swimmers and tourists.
  • Is a sustainable and low cost solution to combat the pollution. Unlike traditional purification systems, which can be expensive to build and maintain, the use of oysters as a natural purification system is relatively inexpensive. Moreover, it does not require the use of chemicals or environmentally aggressive substances.
  • A new economic opportunity is created  for the fishermen and farmers. They can grow oysters and sell them as food or use them to purify water in such projects.

Barriers to be faced 

Despite its environmental and economic benefits, natural purification also presents some problems in its application, such as:

  • Oyster shortage: due to factors such as overfishing, excessive pollution and the introduction of invasive species.
  • Lack of knowledge about oyster management. Although natural oyster depuration is an efficient and low-cost technology, it requires proper management to ensure its success.
  • Introduction of invasive species. Oysters can be sensitive to competition and predators introduced by humans. The introduction of invasive species can compete with native oysters, reducing their population and effectiveness in purifying the water.
  • Financing: the development and maintenance of such a system may require a large initial capital for its installation and operation.
  • Uncertainty about their effectiveness in all conditions: especially in areas with high levels of contamination, where they have not yet been tested.

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