environmental protection

How to reduce our environmental impact?

Nowadays, terms such as “ecological awareness” and “environmental protection” are becoming increasingly important. Our environment influences us and vice versa, although unfortunately many of our actions have a negative or destructive impact on the environment.

However, much of this damage can be avoided by implementing a series of environmentally friendly guidelines or behaviors. There are many actions we can take to reduce pollution, some of them are:

  • Using reusable bottles and containers made of glass, metal or other materials.
  • Disposal of used batteries in specially marked containers.
  • Not to throw away paint, insecticides, solvents or expired medicine containers with the usual garbage: there are special collection points for them.
  • Taking showers instead of baths.
  • Putting a restriction valve on the toilet cistern.
  • Reducing the number of washing machines (garments that are worn once are usually suitable for re-wearing, e.g. blouses, pants and sweaters).
  • Saving water during washing up.
  • Not to pour paints, varnishes or solvents down the drain.
  • Using environmentally friendly cleaning products.

Let us remember that the condition of our environment depends mainly on our own attitude, and that we have only one planet. It is worth taking an interest in the subject and introducing these small habits into our lives gradually.

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